Avoiding Holiday-Induced Back Pain

The holidays can be a time of excitement AND stress. And for people with chronic back or neck pain, the extra strain of accomplishing your to-do list can overshadow your holiday season. This year, plan ahead so you can get your holiday chores done with minimal pain.

5 tips for making the holidays more enjoyable and comfortable:

1 - Back and leg pain, including sciatica, may make physical shopping difficult, if not downright impossible. So, why not pick up gift cards from your local drugstore or grocery store? You’ll be letting your family, and friends pick out items they truly want, while avoiding lifting and carry heavy shopping bags.

Or, if you do want to buy more personalized gifts, shop online. You can have the gifts shipped straight to the recipients, avoiding long lines at the post office. Alternatively, you can have the online purchases gift-wrapped and delivered to you. Then you can hand them to your friends and family in person.

2 - Planning to entertain a big crowd? Prepare as much as you can ahead of time. For instance, certain dishes and desserts, like pies, can be done the day before. Also, you can chop vegetable, like onions and celery, for stuffing and other dishes days in advance.

Before you begin your cooking, assess your kitchen. Is there a place you can sit down while working? If not, can you use your dining or living room for certain tasks like prepping vegetables, such as snapping green beans, or sorting out a cooking timeline and schedule in advance? If you are using a high counter top, lean on it often — 10 to 15 seconds at a time — which will take some of the pressure off your back. Don’t stay in one position, or at one task, for too long a period of time. If you are someone who tends to forget to move on, set a timer to remind you. And, at the meal itself, let your guests help you with serving and clean up, so you don’t put too much stress on your body.

3 - Don’t attempt to decorate alone. This is especially important wifi you’re thinking of moving heavy or cumbersome objects OR putting up a Christmas tree. Get someone to help you! This way one person can hand lights and ornaments and the other person can hang them. You’ll avoid repetitive reaching or twisting in a way that adds stress to your back.

4 - The holidays can be so busy. You may be tempted to give up on your regular eating and exercise routine. Don’t do it! It’s important you strengthen and stretch your body — exercise no matter how hectic things get. Stretching will help you stay limber and reduce your risk of back or neck strain. Even if you don’t have time for your regular exercise routine, don’t give up altogether. Try breaking the exercise up into smaller chunks throughout the day.

5 - Continue to eat regular, healthy meals. Gaining weight can make back pain worse. So, keeping on track with healthy eating is important, even during the holidays. Have some strategies in place before you start the holiday parties.

6 - And, as you look ahead to the coming year, consider simple ways to improve your back or neck pain. It can be as easy as adding a 5- to 15-minute walking break to your day or signing up for that yoga class you’ve been thinking about. OR maybe this is the year to finally replace your old mattress!
